Ramblings on a Thursday

This guy – Robert Downey Jr is a great example of a kid who grew up in the industry, fell into the drug culture that seems to be part of it, then climbed out only to find himself even more on top than before.  I like this guy. Robert Downey Jr + Sting = WOW Insomnia hit me hard last night.  I was up for almost 5hrs.  Of course, because my brain and body like to pull this prank on me, they decided they wanted to sleep as the alarm for working out went off.  Needless to say, no working out for me.  Tomorrow, it’s a double.  Yay no working tomorrow.

But the double workout – that is going to suck.

The upside? I get to spend tomorrow getting ready for my trip to Newport this weekend with G.  Yay!! And we are going to go see this:

Thor’s Well. I hope it is as spectacular as the photos are.

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