
I am thankful for my life.

My parents.

My brothers – even when I don’t think they get me.

My work – even when it frustrate me.

My health – even when allergies drive me nutty.

My husband.

My paramour.

My kids.

My pets.

My house.

My car.

My ability to shoot photos.

My friends.

My life.

While life it has ups and downs, I realize that it is meant to be a roller coaster – it is meant to have ups and downs and parts where you laugh, scream, then cry only to laugh again.   It is the excitement that makes it a great ride – not that it elicits one emotion over another.

Today – like many days – I am thankful.

Thankful to have people in my life that love me.  I have a spouse and a Daddy.

Thankful I have two kids that make me laugh my ass off with their dick jokes, “box” jokes, and other inappropriate jokes that make me ask whose kids they are?   (Answer is always “your kids, Moe. Indeed.)

Thankful I have the ability to live the life I want – through having the right job for me- the right decisions to let me have the life I want – etc.

I am grateful.

I am blessed.

And it doesn’t take me a day in November to feel this way.

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