Words That Make Me Feel

Words that express how I feel better than me….


There are some people in your life that just feel like home.  Home feels familiar. Home feels comfortable.  Home feels like a place where you can be you – it is safe – it is good – it is true.

I am blessed to feel this – feel this in my life.  Where I have home.  When home isn’t there, it is weird – it feels wrong….it feels like you have to make something right.


I have missed him.

I feel like part of who I am has been gone. Nothing can replace it. No matter how hard I try. I have learned this – so I have stopped trying.

I am lucky.

I am loved.

I am happy.

But it is not easy.

Love and Happy are not easy..

They are not how the prose and the songs say they should be.

Instead. they are how reality is…..

Full of aches and missing people and realizing nothing is easy….

But knowing it is worth it.


sigh….and fuck….and more sigh….

I wouldn’t trade it.

To have people who understand me – and know me – and see me….


I wouldn’t trade it.

Not in a million years.

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