Days 130-131 – A Walk to the Carts

We walked to the food carts down the road from our house – six blocks, I think. The girls needed to get out of the house. They were being goofy, and it was just the three of us. So, I was taking them on an adventure.  I promised dessert – and you know you are too much of a smart ass with your kids when they define for you what dessert can and cannot be – then make you agree to it.

G commented the other day that flowers and plants are this year’s Beer Shots.
The walk was good. The girls got ice cream – great & amazing ice cream. And cheap too. Especially when you consider it was handmade and organic. Yum.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. you have such a knack for photography and scenes. such an artist you are

  2. Sa says:

    I love your tales of family life…

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