Day 107 – She-Ra

If you recall back to yesterday’s picture of the day, the driveway was full of dirt.


Almost 4 cubic yards of dirt and compost were moved….by me….and only me.  Today alone, I moved 34 wheelbarrow loads of compost.  Between yesterday and today, I probably moved at least 50 in total.  And, I am feeling each and every load.  I’m sure tomorrow will be worse.

The rest (which is shown at the bottom of the picture) was given two a couple different neighbors who have vegetable gardens.  Both were grateful for it – because it’s the mushroom compost which does great things in the garden,

Let me give you a glimpse of what was done…

A clean backyard.  No weeds, lawn mostly mowed, compost contained and new bed installed, and all dog messes are gone.

Here is a close-up view.  The square bed in the corner is the new one.  19 loads of dirt and compost were required to fill it.  All of the beds look over-full for a reason.  Everything was pretty dry, and it will settle.    I will find out if I am correct that assumption after it rains this week.

Here is my herb garden…..ready for herbs…..and full of dirt.  We’ll see how soon it is before one of the dogs get in it and digs it up.  Yeah, I’m an optimist.

A few days ago, I mentioned how dandelions were food in our yard…food for the guinea pig.  Garbanzo decided he was done with them and pulled them all up.  Actually it’s the weed puller.  He rediscovered it and spent the afternoon weeding the front and backyard.

There were just a few dandelions in our yard.  One of the neighbors we gave compost to is a couple we haven’t really met until today.  We’ve said hello, but that was about it.  She was lamenting the fact their yard is full of weeds.  He started bragging about the weed puller and loaned it to her.  It isn’t one of those garden weasel things you see on TV.  It is an old style weed puller that is also a very good lesson in levers.  Last I saw, she was out there pulling all of the weeds in their yard.  That should help us all in the long run.

Tomorrow, my goal is to get to work early so I can leave work early.  If all goes to plan, I can get to the nursery and buy the rest of the plants needed to fill said raised beds.  I have to do this while I still can.  It rains starting on Wednesday.

We did plant some seeds.  The snap peas, sugar pie pumpkins, cantaloupe, cucumbers, and spinach are all planted.  I need to get some tomatoes, lettuce, beans, and basil & anything else that strikes me while I am at the nursery.

All in all, it was a productive weekend.  I am afraid, however, I may need a weekend to recover from it.

One Comment Add yours

  1. GREAT WORK you too. John would be so proud!

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