Insomnia and Vodka

I am grateful that G has been working on his cocktail making skills as it meant he bought some good vodka. I’m hoping it helps settle my brain or, at least, that it makes my brain too tired to talk.

I know some of my issue is that my body’s immune system has been on overdrive. Each time I think I’ve lost the fight against this horrible crude, it rallies one more time and keeps it at bay again. I haven’t had an ear ache in 35 years, yet off and on since Thursday, I’ve felt them aching. Then it goes away only to have them start feeling that way again.

Granted, if the insomnia shit would stop, things would get better, I’m sure.

I’ve committed to doing another round of photos for my project to show in about 5 weeks. Because that has been giving me anxiety, I booked studio time to start shooting. I truly worried I wouldn’t capture the magic again but quickly remembered today that the magic is the people and the energy. Things started off rough but quickly turned around. Going through the photos, all I could do is grin. They turned out great. Now to shoot more!

Ok, now to try sleeping again. Wish me luck.

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