Motivate Me!

I looked this morning in my usual online places to see if I could find some inspiring words – some motivating ones for my usual Motivational Monday post. I failed. And instead, I drifted towards snark.

Such as:


or this…

And in that moment, I decided that maybe today is not a day to motivate because, well….the snark is strong with this one.

I think it is because I have a project that is a fucked up mess that is requiring a shitload of work just reassuring people that it is going forward and getting done. As I mention a few times a week, I promise that no one more than me wants this fucking project done.

Add into it the fact one of our most senior people on the team has decided to be an insecure, over needy child who spends his time throwing fits and trying to get his way to the point where I’m just over it. Yes, dude, you are uncomfortable because your world is changing – get comfortable with being uncomfortable because it’s about time you grow up – and there will be growing pains.

And I can’t forget it is 70 degrees and someone decided to turn on the fucking AC in the already cold building.

I was asked today by my team if I knew what "furries" were and if so, what did I think happened to these people in childhood. "I mean, I slept with a teddy bear, but that didn’t mean, uhmmm" commented one of the guys. I filled in his pause, "It didn’t mean you wanted to sleep inside the teddy bear?"

Snark has been my day, I guess.

So, dear readers, I ask you to motivate me (and others). What have you come across that is motivating because, all I have is snark here.

What do you think?

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