My Favorite Part

There are a few movies that I have seen to the point where I can almost recite them word-for-word.  Bull Durham is one of them.  If you watch that movie with me, I will start giggling then comment “this is my favorite part” throughout the movie – because apparently the movie is my favorite part.

I was doing a status report – trying to drown out the noise of the kids running all over the office because apparently this is a playground for Take Your Kid to Work Day.  I refrained from using my Moe voice to make them stop as I’d probably scare the crap out of them.  And get myself in trouble.

On each of my mobile devices (iPhone and iPad), I have a way to watch it.  It’s my go-to movie.  So I put on my headphones – and listened to it while doing my busy work.

And only partially refrained from sending lines from the movie – my favorites – to people on IM.

Annie: That’s better. Right, honey, let’s get down to it. How was Ebby Calvin LaLoosh?
Millie: Well, he fucks like he pitches. Sorta all over the place.

How can you not appreciate two beautiful women comparing a baseball player’s pitching skills to his bedroom skills?

Or the opening monolog by Annie:

And everyone should know this scene – the famous Crash Davis response to Annie asking “So what do you believe in?” after Crash stands up to leave saying “he doesn’t believe in quantum physics when it comes to matters of the heart.”

Then this scene always reminds me of how my dad coached –


Ebby Calvin LaLoosh: [LaLoosh challenged Davis to a fight] I don’t hit no man first.
Crash Davis: All right, then…[throws him a baseball]
Crash Davis: … hit me in the chest with that.
Ebby Calvin LaLoosh: I’d kill you!
Crash Davis: Yeah? From what I hear, you couldn’t hit water if you fell out of a fucking boat.

Or —

Annie Savoy: The world is made for people who aren’t cursed with self awareness.

I could keep going – but I’d end up quoting the entire movie.

It’s my favorite part.

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