Random Thoughts by Emmy

There are a lot of ways people get to my blog. Search terms are my favorite:

  • teacher a fucking agirls studen metric class pics – wow, in metric even – with pictures…..are those pictures of how to fuck the girl in metric class or of the fucking? I’m kinda confused.  Especially as to what the fuck I have on my blog to lead you here.
  • whimper cunt slap nipples sadistic cum – I’d like to thank this person for providing ideas…hmm…..
  • sumo bdsm men – not my kink, but I wish you luck. I’m sure you can find someone to roleplay this at the very least. I think I may have an idea of someone for you to check out.
  • a sexystory about sister-brother fucking in d kitchen and the picturesEWWWWW….how the fuck did you even get to my site?!?!  
  • after he spanked me, his fingers found my pussyyep, that’s usually how it goes. 

There is a lot of sex related searches getting to my blog.  I’m kind of impressed. Except for the sister-brother fucking one.  Have I said ew yet?


They reshuffled my countries again – pretty significantly. Yay project plan reworks! <sarcasm>


I was called snarky this morning – at 7:15am.  I think this is a record for how quickly I have been called snarky in the course of a day.  Woo hoo!


Derek was coming up with strike chants this morning since the teachers are voting on whether or not to strike.  They were totally inappropriate but had me almost on the floor in laughter.   The one that ended with “so look at our twat” was the funniest.


The burn scar I have below my nose is bugging me.  I hope it gets better with time, but it’s bugging me today anyway.  Fucking hot oil splatter.


DJ spent part of a day at the high school she applied to attend.  She loved it.  I was pretty impressed by how much she was buzzing when she got into the car.  I’m excited and hopeful for her that she gets into it.


Mom is at the doctor again today. Fingers crossed all goes well. No hospital – no hospital! Please, whatever diety will listen – no fucking hospital.  I wonder if saying fuck negated my plea? Hmm….


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