Theme Songs and Ramblings

It’s a cheesy video but I like the song.

It’s funny how the right song at the right time can drive up your energy, put you in the right mood, and cause you to pretty much say “fuck what the world throws my way, today is going to be a good day – damnit!”

That was the song this morning.  On the radio. Turned up loud.  It played in my head on my walk from the parking lot to the coffee shop – then to the office.

It’s never bad to have a theme song for the day.

Especially on meeting hell day….

…..hopefully by the end of it, I don’t have a knot on my forehead where I have been banging my head against the wall from the stupidity.

Random thoughts for the day…..

  • I’m going to start stealing whiteboard markers from my boss. He has all of the good ones.
  • My tax expert would work best if she had a ball gag that prevented me from hearing every single fucking thought that comes out ouf her mouth.  She is annoying but so is her voice. And her voice … carries.  Her being on the same floor as I am is too close.
  • My Army guy on the team got caught shooting his mouth off to the wrong person.  He was out having drinks with his cohorts when he mentioned being out of the office travelling to a far away country to support it for go-live.  He told this to the guy who is responsible for determining who is going to countries – and yeah – my Army guy is not even a possibility for going anywhere.  Fucking hilarious!
  • My peer in a different department told me yesterday he needed to talk to me every morning so that he can “get his Emmy fix” because my perspective makes him laugh.  Then he told me I should start a blog where I can document my thoughts – then he can read it whenever he needs it.  Yeah, maybe I should start a blog….hmm….yeah, I was thankful we were IMing via Skye so he couldn’t see me start laughing.
  • My afternoon yesterday took a great turn when a friend sent me the following “I just ate my tongue ring”.  I seriously bursted out laughing at my desk.  My neighbors around my cubicle kept looking at me like I was crazy. I don’t know why – I just found it hilarious.
  • My counterpart in Finance is being shown the door. While I hate seeing people lose their jobs, he needed to get the hell out of the way because he is not a good fit.  Fuck it – he’s a giant pain in the ass and doesn’t know how to do his job.  Let me just be blunt.
  • I work with two guys who are brothers. Today, they are dressed almost identically – same pants, same plaid shirt but a different color, and same shoes.  I pointed this out because they hadn’t noticed.  They both were embarrassed.  Then I pointed out that they live together so maybe they should look at each other before they leave in the morning to validate they don’t come to work as twins.  Yeah, they are both happy they work with me.

Happy Wednesday!


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