Motivational Monday #2

So very true.

The to-do list will always be full. Do the important things – screw the rest. And important should be looked at as things that if you die tomorrow, you would wish you had done. Those things don’t usually include “clean the house”, “fold the laundry”, “paint the wall”, etc. The important things are things like “spend time with the kids”, “take the dream trip”, “do your art”, etc.  
The hardest thing for everyone – myself included.
Another one I’m learning. Weakness is not seeking out others for support. And strength is not always going at it alone.  Very hard to remember that.
I LOVED this one. My mom used to always say “kill ’em with kindness” – and I struggled with feeling like I was being fake.  Now, I’ve decided that its just the polite thing to do.
Advice I’d like to remind everyone. 

8 Comments Add yours

  1. waywardrider says:

    Lose our fear, we must LOSE our fear. Not loose. /rant.

    Aside from that, awesome words to start the week. Things we all need to hear from time to time 🙂

  2. I love the Follow your Heart one, and I think, you can do anything, but not everything may go up on my whiteboard for the quote of the week.

  3. Just me... says:

    Agreeing with your mom…
    Anyway, when they know you don’t like them and you’re nice to them, it fucks with their head!!! 😉

  4. Maggie says:

    Ran into the being strong thought this weekend with Teacher. It absolutely broke my heart that he thought he needed to be strong and suffer alone.

  5. DCHY says:

    I’ve lived rent-free in other people’s minds and I suspect I still do. There used to be others that lived rent-free in my head and it sure was hard to evict them. I had to follow the landlord laws and make sure I wasn’t being a slumlord and all that. 😉

  6. Greg says:

    Thanks for posting these motivational posters! You’ve listed some very good ones.

  7. Joker_SATX says:

    I love these! I wonder where you get them.

  8. Vixen says:

    I love these!

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