Day 339 – Discoveries and Other Adventures

Today we spent going through all of the stuff we own and that has been located in the office area at the top of our stairs for the past 6 months.  It was a long process, but necessary.  And we made some fun discoveries.  Like the Vintage Manon 500 tripod that my father-in-law gave me as part of the old SLR camera gear they were getting rid of.  I knew it was around, but never quite understood where it ended up in the grand shuffling.

This tripod is likely as old as Garbanzo given most of their gear was purchased during their time in Japan – around the time of Garbanzo’s birth. It is in great condition. And can support the weight of my Nikon D80 with my favorite lens.  This is important given that most of the tripods I’ve tried over the years cannot support it even if it says it can.  It’s the lens that makes it too heavy. So, most of the pictures I take of myself are a result of careful balancing and a buckwheat pillow I use to get it to sit correctly.

In additional to this discovery, I also made some interesting technological ones.  Why I have DSL filters from when we had it in the early days of high-speed-at-home is beyond me.  But, it is now in a box headed to a recycling center.  As is a bunch of other shitty computer stuff that I’ve been unwittingly stockpiling, so it seems.

But, my progress was interrupted by a realization that I had to go get Cookie Training. Indigo has wanted to start Brownies, and as of last week, I have enough to start a troop.  Just in time for girl scout cookie sales which begins (for those of you needing Samoas and Thin Mints) January 9th at 9am…..yes, there is an official start time to cookies sales.  Any violators of the date and time rule are to be reported to your cookie team at the local council as they are violating Girl Scout law, thus forfeiting their ability to participate in cookie sales.  Other violations which hold the same penalty include parents selling the cookies for the girls.  It’s called Girl Scouts people, not “Dad Scouts or Mom Scouts”.  For two and a half hours, I heard this over and over and over again. 

I also have discovered that I may have created a monster when purchasing the school girl outfit.  Garbanzo has informed me that he wants me to try to sell him cookies later and asked if I could find a uniform.  I did find my old girl scout sash during the cleaning.  Hmmm….

In an attempt to teach DJ science, I flooded the living room.  I hate our tree stand as it makes watering a total pain in the ass.  Given we got our tree early this year, I figured I would rig up a watering system.  You remember that science project where you run a tube between two beakers of water where you fill the tube with the water from one before sticking it in the water of the other.  If the level in one is higher than the other, the water will move between tubes.  Anyone remember what I’m talking about? 

I hooked up the same setup so we could water our tree from the container instead of the tree base itself.  Only I forget once the balance is achieved you cannot put more water in the container. I added it, the tree stand tried to balance itself out by sucking more water thru the tube and flooded the living room until it hit the perfect balance again.  I guess learning also comes from making mistakes. Or at least that’s what I told myself.  DJ did love how the water was siphoning from the container.  So, all was not lost. 

And, last night I discovered that Garbanzo loves a dark beer.  He had gotten some Chocolate Stout from a California brewing company called Bison Brewing. He tried a sip with a face that clearly was preparing for the taste he hated. Instead, he drank it and declared that he loved it.  He had gotten a Gingerbread Ale for himself from the same company. It was actually really good much to my surprise.

Outside of missing the picture opportunity I would have had if they would have ended training on time, it was a good and productive day.

Oh, and one funny.  My best friend from college Fred updated her Facebook status on Friday:
“Fell while trying to getting Christmas decorations. Who knew getting baby Jesus out of the garage attic could result in a broken arm.”  Garbanzo’s response: “Maybe he doesn’t want to come out. I mean, just because it’s his birthday doesn’t mean he always wants a big party!” She has surgery on Monday – it was that bad of a break.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Just me... says:

    That tripod looks as though you might be able to use it to change a flat!!! :):)

  2. Vixen says:

    Girl scout ‘laws’??? Wow…who knew! LOL

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