Day 278 – Autumn in Oregon

subtitled: more playing with aperture.

All of these pictures are SOOC (straight-out-of-the-camera).  I usually fix the color a bit because I don’t usually have enough orange or blue in them.  (My auto-white balance in my camera isn’t always good at automatically detecting which is should use, so I have to fix it.) But, in the interest of not misleading my readers as far as my photographs are concerned, I present them unedited.

Oh, and these pictures were taken at a neat park in the Pearl District in Portland. Observant, long-time readers of my blog may recognize the location.  I’m totally fascinated by this park and that fence (it’s in my logo too), so I shoot it every time I can.


4 Comments Add yours

  1. Vixen says:

    *stunning* pictures……

  2. I love the 1st, 4th and 5th pictures best. They’re all good though.

  3. I think you just like saying you’re playing with your aperature.

    Needs more shoes but otherwise.

  4. Just me... says:

    Lovely photos!!
    And thanks.. More to steal for my ever-changing screen saver!!!

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