Happy, Yet Sad

On one hand, I am very happy that they are releasing the movie Twilight this weekend. I’m excited to see the movie and hope it is as good as the books. But, I am sad because they moved this movie’s release date:

This is the movie I get excited for this time of the year. I love the books…I mean, really LOVE the books. I have at least three sets of the Harry Potter books and have read both the US and English versions of them at least 3 times. I also have them on tape.  In fact, that’s how the Hubby listened to all of them this summer.

And, the movies are great – not perfect, but great.  And, now that I’ve seen this new preview for Half-Blood Prince, I am really sad they moved the release date.  If you haven’t seen them, you have to suffer through the first and second one, but starting the third, they get fantastic.

So, until next summer, I can watch and re-watch the trailers.  Sigh.  Twilight better be fantastic!

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Liam says:

    Rumour has it they moved the release date for Harry Potter because they didn’t want it coming out in theaters at the same time Daniel Radcliffe was nekkid on Broadway…

  2. Michelle says:

    I speculated that myself. I think the “official” word was that they wanted to align the last three movies in a better fashion. And, since Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson had other obligations (like being naked on Broadway – not together of course), they wouldn’t start filming the last book (and last two movies) until next year thus leaving a year gap between movies.

  3. garbonzo says:

    Hmmm. Now if only you could visit Forks and see what it looks like for yourself before the movie puts the image in your brain for you…
    How could that happen?

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